
Lyrics by Christine Eitemiller (2008)

Willows line the 
Walkway as the 
Wondrous day unfolding
Weaves a thought or two of you,
Wielding a
Whisper and I hesitate to listen, 
Wanting to reply I ask, “Pray tell, oh
Where are you?”

Watching clouds for simple signs, a
Whips past and nearby
Weathervane does spin and
Wild flowers
Withered from the 
Winter’s cold do
Wave yet
Withhold any information, how I
Wish they’d speak but
Wizened they are mute.

Woody stalks and
Weeds do motion; I beg them – just a
Word or three, I’m
Weary and I’m 
Worn, torn; they laugh and
Wag their heads and toss their
Wooly seed.

Where are you please, I 
Wait and 
Want and
Writhe inside, my arms and
Wrists expending with a flair; and in all
Willingness to hear your call, I
Wrestle with the blowing
Wind and 
Wonder how and 
When you’ll say my name, you’ll say my name again.

Wile away the day and then
When calm and somber-toned, I
Write and there upon the page, I see
What I have
Written and I see that I am smitten and
What’s more I’ve see you’ve been
With me along the way, 
Withal, and truly all the 
While . . . . . And as

We pray for
Wisdom, my hope is to recall your
Wherewithal that’s ever there . . . in
Widened wings of geese in flight
When autumn day has dimmed its light, a
Waltz among the northern winds when
Winter storm begins and ends; the
Wail of lark and springtime quail, the
Whir of summer all astir, a
Web of 
Winsome spider still, the
Window sill with daffodil . . .